Reventek® Acquires Haircare Company focused on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Hair Loss

Reventek@, a company based on a family of several brands, has recently acquired MCS Haircare. By reducing staff redundancy, and opening up new distribution channels, Reventek® hopes to bring MCS into the forefront of modern offerings.

The company (MCS) has a unique product line, with a dual focus on both all-natural and biodegradable products, as well as serums that help with hair loss.

“The two often go hand-in-hand these days. You want to restore the damage caused by excessive chemical exposure. This could occur from shampoos, conditioners, and styling products, but more commonly, environmental factors such as pollution, and radiation. Typically, the average consumer doesn’t have any idea it’s even happening until they start experiencing hair loss. From what we know from MCS sufferers, is that the issue stems from an accumulation of chemicals in the body. This leads to extreme sensitivity and subsequent issues. So the idea here is to fix the hair loss, and then offer natural products that prevent it from happening again. This is an exciting, but understandably controversial topic. Our team will be taking an objective approach in extracting value from MCS’s offerings, and based on a revised roadmap, hope turn things around. Many of us here feel that there is a great deal of value to be shared between our other brands, and MCS.”

The original facility in the Antelope Valley has already been shut down for two years. The equipment has been moved to our existing location in Valencia, while most of the inventory has already been discarded in preparation for the turnaround. We are still offering support on MCS Haircare items, and hope to bring a revised line back on the market in the near future.

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